Friday 01th December 2023
Location: The Set Theatre, John St.
FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2023 20:00
(once purchased, tickets cannot be refunded, unless the event is cancelled)
John Francis Flynn will release a new album “Look Over the Wall, See the Sky” on Nov.10th, following on from his critically acclaimed debut album and accompanying live performances. “Look Over the Wall, See the Sky” picks up where “I Would Not Live Always” left off.
John masterfully unpicks traditional songs and rearranges them with an emotional force. They float in a surreal space between the past and the present, the analogue and the digital, between love and tragedy. The unconventional use of instruments and jagged arrangements gives the work a magnetism by drawing you into its curious orbit of experimental folk.
Look Over The Wall, See The Sky is a re-imagining of traditional Irish music: powerful, hopeful and free.
John Francis Flynn is a singer and multi-instrumentalist who creates contemporary music using traditional and folk material. His debut album “I Would Not Live Always” was released on Rough Trade imprint River Lea Records in 2020, earning rave reviews and winning 2 awards at the RTE Folk Awards.
“I Would Not Live Always offers a singular and striking clarity of vision. 4 STARS” UNCUT
“John Francis Flynn’s ‘My Son Tim’ Is An Extraordinary Piece Of Music” CLASH
“like a threatening thunderhead perforated with golden shafts of sunlight: lysergic synth lines, intermittent bursts of overdriven guitar, a clarinet saturated in tape delay and a treated tin whistle disrupt the atmosphere of these old songs without ever diminishing their power. 4 STARS ” THE GUARDIAN
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