Monthly Women’s Healing & Sharing Circle – Sole Ha

Wednesday 24th January 2024
Location: Killeshin Community Center
Sole Harmony Killeshin Community Centre Killeshin Ireland
Women’s Circle – Wed, 24 Jan – 7pm. Killeshin on @sole.harmony

After such a beautiful circle in December, I am delighted to announce that I will be returning to this gorgeous space on Wednesday, 24 January at 7pm for another evening of high vibes, healing and sharing.

The evening will focus on self care, self love and self healing. My Circles always include elements of meditation, shamanic journey/meditation/oracle cards, crystal healing, sound healing and embodiment rituals.

This will be a beautiful evening of self care and healing in a very relaxing and gentle atmosphere.

Numbers are very limited so if you are interested, I would advise to book now to avoid disappointment. Cost is €25 payable in advance to confirm your booking.

Love and Light

Organisers Website

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