Saturday 14th September 2024
Location: Castle Park, KILKENNY
Emergency Services Display
Visit the static display for an excellent opportunity for the young and old to meet the men and woman of our national services and experience all the exciting equipment and vehicles they have to offer. National Services taking part in this event include:
The Defence Forces, An Garda Síochána, Kilkenny Fire Brigade, The National Ambulance Service, The Irish Coast Guard, The Irish Prison Service, The Civil Defence, South East Mountain Rescue, The RNLI, Revenue Commission, HSE, Community First Responders, The Red Cross, the Order of Malta, BUMBLEance, Blood Bikes, Kilkenny Sub Aqua, Irish Water Safety, The OPW, Kilkenny County Council and Waterford Search and Rescue and The Irish U.N. Veterans, O.N.E and the wonderful St. Patricks Brass and Reed Band
Organisers Website