Winter Solstice at Knockroe

Thursday 19th December 2024
Location: Knockroe, Co. Kilkenny (Google Maps for directions))
The celebration of the Winter Solstice in Knockroe takes place on this Saturday 21st with the dawn alignment at 8.40am and closes with the sunset one at 3.40pm (Weather visibility permitting). Lots of stewarded parking is available and visitors are requested to leave an additional twenty minutes to arrive on time.
In addition, they are invited to join the guided tours of parts of the Lingaun Valley will include the Windgap Village Loop from the Community Centre in Windgap at 11am and the Slatequarries at 13.45.

Refreshments are available in the local villages with breakfast tea coffee and dinner in the Lakeside Tea Rooms in Windgap, Take a ways in the Auld Mill Bakery in Grangemockler, Tea Coffee and scones in Owning House until 1pm with evening meals by prior booking at the Dizzy Goat Restaurant in Kilkieran.

Hot take away beverages are available in Walsh’s Shop in Windgap and Pete’s Shop in Kilmoganny with additional facilities and a pint or a hot whiskey in Tullahought, Faugheen, Skough and Killamery.

The Solstice alignments can also be visible on the days approaching and preceding the 21st of December.
Organisers Website

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